Welcome to SpottedWoodpecker, a site for recording the birds we have seen in our "back garden".
SpottedWoodpecker makes it easy for us to keep a record of the birds we have seen in our favourite locations, whether this is our village, in the local park, from your office at work, the town centre, etc. etc.
We can thus see what others have seen in the vicinity, and increase our knowledge of the local bird population. Click a marker on the map of bird spotting locations to see the birds seen there.
If we do this over a period of time, we will build up "naturally" a census of bird populations and movements. We will also develop lists of the birds we have seen local to us.
Spotted Woodpecker comes with some nice photos to make recognition easier. You can (soon) vote for your favourite photos, so we build a library of quality bird photography. However, it's purpose is not to duplicate the wealth of information that already exists out there, either for classifying, or identifying birds.
To record birds in Spotted Woodpecker, you need to:
- Register the first time you use it: Click the "Log in" link and "Create new account"
- Then
- If it doesn't already exist, create your bird spotting location: Click "Add new stuff, Location". Locations can either be public (anyone can add to the list) or private.
- Record the birds you have seen. Click "Spot a bird"
- If a bird does not exist you can add it using "Add new stuff, Bird"
- If you have some particularly good bird photos, add them using "Add new stuff, Photo"
And that's it. Simple.
Have fun, and enjoy learning about and spotting the many different species we all have in our back garden.