
From a distance, the drakes in nuptial plumage appear grey, with a dark head, a yellowish behind, and a white stripe running along the flanks. Their head and upper neck is chestnut, with a wide and iridescent dark green patch of half-moon- or teardrop-shape that starts immediately before the eye and arcs to the upper hindneck. The patch is bordered with thin yellowish-white lines, and a single line of that colour extends from the patch's forward end, curving along the base of the bill. The breast is buff with small round brown spots. The center of the belly is white, and the rest of the body plumage is mostly white with thin and dense blackish vermiculations, appearing medium grey even at a short distance. The outer scapular feathers are white, with a black border to the outer vanes, and form the white side-stripe when the bird is in resting position. The primary remiges are dark greyish brown; the speculum feathers are iridescent blackish-green with white tips, and form the speculum together with the yellowish-white tips of the larger upperwing coverts (which are otherwise grey). The underwing is whitish, with grey remiges, dense dark spotting on the inner coverts and a dark leading edge. The tail and tail coverts are black, with a bright yellowish-buff triangular patch in the center of the coverts at each side.

Latin Name
Anas crecca

When the bird was spotted

Date Location Title Seen by Interestingness
UK, Teesside and the North York Moors Greatham Creek b.m.stokesley ***
UK, Teesside and the North York Moors Greatham Creek b.m.stokesley *
France, Leymen On the Goose pond mike421 ***
UK, Teesside and the North York Moors Saltholme b.m.stokesley **
Germany, Wissen Elbbach near castle Hühnerhabicht ****
UK, Teesside and the North York Moors Saltholme b.m.stokesley
UK, Teesside and the North York Moors Fields near Stokesley b.m.stokesley ***
Germany, Wissen in the pond next to river Sieg Hühnerhabicht ****
UK, Teesside and the North York Moors Saltholme b.m.stokesley
France, La petite Camargue La petite Camargue mike421 ***
UK, Teesside and the North York Moors Saltholme b.m.stokesley