UK, Teesside and the North York Moors

Birds seen here

When the birds were spotted

Date Bird Title Seen by Interestingness
Rail, Water sal b.m.stokesley ****
Tit, Great Cowpen Bewley b.m.stokesley **
Coot Saltholme b.m.stokesley *
Magpie Cowpen Bewley b.m.stokesley
Shoveler Saltholme b.m.stokesley **
Gadwall Saltholme b.m.stokesley **
Tit, Blue Cowpen Bewley b.m.stokesley
Bunting, Reed Saltholme b.m.stokesley **
Goose, Greylag Saltholme b.m.stokesley *
Redshank Greatham Creek b.m.stokesley *
Curlew Greatham Creek b.m.stokesley **
Mallard Greatham Creek b.m.stokesley
Sparrow, Tree Saltholme b.m.stokesley **
Gull, Black headed Hemlington Lake b.m.stokesley
Swan, Mute Hemlington Lake b.m.stokesley *
Starling Stokesley b.m.stokesley
Sparrow, House stokesley b.m.stokesley
Pigeon, Wood Garden b.m.stokesley
Robin Garden b.m.stokesley
Blackbird Garden b.m.stokesley
Pigeon, Feral Stokesley b.m.stokesley
Shag South Gare b.m.stokesley ***
Pochard, Red Crested Ropner Park Lake b.m.stokesley *****
Warbler,Yellow browed Hartlepool b.m.stokesley ****
Whitethroat, Lesser Hartlepool b.m.stokesley ****
Whinchat Saltholme b.m.stokesley ****
Stint, Little Saltholme b.m.stokesley ****
Goose, Brent Saltholme b.m.stokesley ****
Ruff Saltholme b.m.stokesley ***
Tern, Arctic South Gare b.m.stokesley ***
Gull, Common South Gare b.m.stokesley ***
Goose, Domestic Stewart Park b.m.stokesley *
Sandpiper, Green Cowpen Marsh b.m.stokesley ***
Duck, Mandarin Hackfall Woods b.m.stokesley ****
Sparrowhawk In Garden - killed a blackbird b.m.stokesley ****
Kite, Red Cold Moor b.m.stokesley **
Raven Cold Moor b.m.stokesley *****
Greenshank Cowpen Marsh b.m.stokesley ***
Duck, Domestic Saltholme b.m.stokesley **
Gannet South Gare b.m.stokesley ***
Tern, Sandwich Saltholme b.m.stokesley ***
Stint,Temminck's Saltholme b.m.stokesley ****
Falcon, Peregrine Transporter Bridge b.m.stokesley ***
Goose, Red-breasted Saltholme b.m.stokesley ***
Gull, Great Black Backed Saltholme b.m.stokesley ***
Pipit, Tree Hawnby b.m.stokesley ***
Garganey Saltholme b.m.stokesley ****
Goose, White Fronted Saltholme b.m.stokesley ***
Warbler, Reed Saltholme b.m.stokesley ***
Tern, Common Saltholme b.m.stokesley ***